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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

0 Creating Automatic Blog Content

Creating Automatic Blog Content

For a long time I wanted to write about Creating Blog Content Automatically this, but there just because of time constraints. Well, on this occasion, too, was related to my holiday, I'll post them for you. Automated blog content is different from the previous times, both the look and the script that will be used, I personally prefer the list (content) because it can display all post titles and grouped according to the label of each title. So if we create a post without using the label, most likely post title will not appear in this list.

In order not to get confused about making a list of blog content that I will explain, you simply click here interesting is not it?. Well, I need to explain about the benefits of content, that content will help your blog for much more in terms of visited pages. So when a visitor or visitors to your blog is to read one of the articles in the blog and the article was interesting, visitors will find an interesting article or articles related leinnya. This caused great kemunkinan visitors would frequent visitor to your blog.

As with a book, if a book does not have the content that readers will be frantically looking for the page in the book. As a result the book was ignored and forgotten. Now it's described on the benefits of making a list of blog content? Now how do I make a list of blog content automatically? let's see the tutorial below.

Here are the steps:

1. Log in to your blogger account
2. Choose a layout / layout
3. Select add gadgets
4. Choose HTML / javascript.
5. Give Title Dafar content or title in accordance with the wishes mate
6 .. Kopas code below

<script src="http://super-bee-daftarisi.googlecode.com/files/daftarisi.js">
<script src="http://namabloganda.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc">
7. Publish Post.

But if you want to create a table of contents using the scroll function, there is some code that should be added as follows:


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