Zombie Hand - Working In Background
Neighborhood Of Moh. Haris

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

0 The Word Conditioned Heart

1. Do not be attracted to someone because of looks, because beauty looks can be misleading. Do not also attracted to wealth, because wealth can be destroyed. Go for someone who makes you smile because only a smile to make a dark day brightened. Hope you find someone like that.
2. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that I wanted to pick them up from your dreams and hug them real. May you dream of people like that.
3. Dream what you want to dream, go to the places you want to go, be what you want, because you have only one life and one chance to do the things you want to do.
4. Hope you get enough happiness to make you kind, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy and enough money to buy gifts.
5. When one door of happiness is closed, another door opened. But often we stare too long at the closed door that do not see another door opened for us.
6. The best friend is the one who can sit swinging at Home with you, without saying a word, and then you're left with the feeling of having a long conversation with him.
7. It's true that we do not know what we owned until we lose it, but it's also true that we do not know what we've been missing until it arrives.
8. Look at everything from the perspective of others. If it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.
9. The words spoken carelessly could spark disputes. Cruel words that can destroy a life. The words were spoken in place to ease the tension. Words of love to heal and bless.
10. The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them into the image that we want. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.
11. The happiest people do not necessarily have the best things, they just make the best of everything that comes along the way.
12. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right people, we must understand how to be grateful for that gift.
13. It takes only a minute to assess someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
14. Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched and those who try. Because only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.
15. Love is when you lose feeling, passion, romance and still care for him.
16. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you and find out in the end that is the case and you have to let go.
17. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a teardrop.
18. Love comes to those who still hope even been disappointed, to those who still believe even been betrayed, to those who still love although never hurt her.
19. It hurts to love someone who does not love you, but what is more painful is to love someone and never have the courage to express your love to him.
20. Bright future always depends on a forgotten past, you can not survive well if you do not forget the failures and heartaches in the past.
21. Never say goodbye if you still want to try, never give up when you still feel able to do not ever say you do not love him anymore if you still can not forget it.
22. Giving someone all your love is no guarantee he will love you back! Do not expect love in return, just wait until grow in their heart but if it does not, be content it grew in yours.
23. There are things that you would love to hear but you would never hear from the person you'd expect to say. However, do not be deaf to hear from people who say it wholeheartedly.
24. When you were born, you were crying and people around you smiling - live your life so that when you die, you're smiling and the people around you crying.

0 Kalimat Penyejuk Hati

1. Jangan tertarik kepada seseorang karena parasnya, sebab keelokan paras dapat menyesatkan. Jangan pula tertarik kepada kekayaannya, karena kekayaan dapat musnah. Tertariklah kepada seseorang yang dapat membuatmu tersenyum, karena hanya senyum yang dapat membuat hari-hari yang gelap menjadi cerah. Semoga kamu menemukan orang seperti itu.

2. Ada saat-saat dalam hidup ketika kamu sangat merindukan seseorang, sehingga ingin hati menjemputnya dari alam mimpi dan memeluknya dalam alam nyata. Semoga kamu memimpikan orang seperti itu.

3. Bermimpilah tentang apa yang ingin kamu impikan, pergilah ke tempat-tempat kamu ingin pergi, jadilah seperti yang kamu inginkan, karena kamu hanya memiliki satu kehidupan dan satu kesempatan untuk melakukan hal-hal yang ingin kamu lakukan.

4. Semoga kamu mendapatkan kebahagiaan yang cukup untuk membuatmu baik hati, cobaan yang cukup untuk membuatmu kuat, kesedihan yang cukup untuk membuatmu manusiawi, pengharapan yang cukup untuk membuatmu bahagia dan uang yang cukup untuk membeli hadiah-hadiah.

5. Ketika satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, pintu yang lain dibukakan. Tetapi acapkali kita terpaku terlalu lama pada pintu yang tertutup sehingga tidak melihat pintu lain yang dibukakan bagi kita.

6. Sahabat terbaik adalah dia yang dapat duduk berayun-ayun di Beranda bersamamu, tanpa mengucapkan sepatah katapun, dan kemudian kamu meninggalkannya dengan perasaan telah bercakap-cakap lama dengannya.

7. Sungguh benar bahwa kita tidak tahu apa yang kita milik sampai kita kehilangannya, tetapi sungguh benar pula bahwa kita tidak tahu apa yang belum pernah kita miliki sampai kita mendapatkannya.

8. Pandanglah segala sesuatu dari kacamata orang lain. Apabila hal itu menyakitkan hatimu, sangat mungkin hal itu menyakitkan hati orang itu pula.

9. Kata-kata yang diucapkan sembarangan dapat menyulut perselisihan. Kata-kata yang kejam dapat menghancurkan suatu kehidupan. Kata-kata yang diucapkan pada tempatnya dapat meredakan ketegangan. Kata-kata yang penuh cinta dapat menyembuhkan dan memberkahi.

10. Awal dari cinta adalah membiarkan orang yang kita cinta menjadi dirinya sendiri, dan tidak merubahnya menjadi gambaran yang kita inginkan. Jika tidak, kita hanya mencintai pantulan diri sendiri yang kita temukan di dalam dia.

11. Orang-orang yang paling berbahagia tidak selalu memiliki hal-hal terbaik, mereka hanya berusaha menjadikan yang terbaik dari setiap hal yang hadir dalam hidupnya.

12. Mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kita bertemu dengan beberapa orang yang salah sebelum bertemu dengan orang yang tepat, kita harus mengerti bagaimana berterima kasih atas karunia itu.

13. Hanya diperlukan waktu semenit untuk menaksir seseorang, sejam untuk menyukai seseorang dan sehari untuk mencintai seseorang tetapi diperlukan waktu seumur hidup untuk melupakan seseorang.

14. Kebahagiaan tersedia bagi mereka yang menangis, mereka yang disakiti hatinya, mereka yang mencari dan mereka yang mencoba. Karena hanya mereka itulah yang menghargai pentingnya orang-orang yang pernah hadir dalam hidup mereka.

15. Cinta adalah jika kamu kehilangan rasa, gairah, romantika dan masih tetap peduli padanya.

16. Hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidup adalah ketika kamu bertemu seseorang yang sangat berarti bagimu dan mendapati pada akhirnya bahwa tidak demikian adanya dan kamu harus melepaskannya.

17. Cinta dimulai dengan sebuah senyuman, bertumbuh dengan sebuah ciuman dan berakhir dengan tetesan air mata.

18. Cinta datang kepada mereka yang masih berharap sekalipun pernah dikecewakan, kepada mereka yang masih percaya sekalipun pernah dikhianati, kepada mereka yang masih mencintai sekalipun pernah disakiti hatinya.

19. Sungguh menyakitkan mencintai seseorang yang tidak mencintaimu, tetapi yang lebih menyakitkan adalah mencintai seseorang dan tidak pernah memiliki keberanian untuk mengutarakan cintamu kepadanya.

20. Masa depan yang cerah selalu tergantung kepada masa lalu yang dilupakan, kamu tidak dapat hidup terus dengan baik jika kamu tidak melupakan kegagalan dan sakit hati di masa lalu.

21. Jangan pernah mengucapkan selamat tinggal jika kamu masih mau mencoba, jangan pernah menyerah jika kamu masih merasa sanggup jangan pernah mengatakan kamu tidak mencintainya lagi jika kamu masih tidak dapat melupakannya.

22. Memberikan seluruh cintamu kepada seseorang bukanlah jaminan dia akan membalas cintamu! Jangan mengharapkan balasan cinta, tunggulah sampai cinta berkembang di hatinya, tetapi jika tidak, berbahagialah karena cinta tumbuh di hatimu.

23. Ada hal-hal yang sangat ingin kamu dengar tetapi tidak akan pernah kamu dengar dari orang yang kamu harapkan untuk mengatakannya. Namun demikian janganlah menulikan telinga untuk mendengar dari orang yang mengatakannya dengan sepenuh hati.

24. Waktu kamu lahir, kamu menangis dan orang-orang di sekelilingmu tersenyum - jalanilah hidupmu sehingga pada waktu kamu meninggal, kamu tersenyum dan orang-orang di sekelilingmu menangis.

0 How to Add Animated Cursor Starry/ Cara Menambah Animasi Kursor Bertabur Bintang

 Cara Menambah Animasi Kursor Bertabur Bintang

Dalam membuat Blog, pasti kita ingin untuk memperindah tampilan Blog kita. Salah satunya dengan menambahkan animasi kursor mouse bertabur bintang. Cursor Bertabur Bintang merupakan cursor mouse yang bertabur bintang warni-warni yang terletak pada mouse apabila di gerakkan,,
Apabila tertarik untuk memasangnya di blog Anda, langsung saja ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini :
Pilih salah satu script kode dibawah ini sesuai dengan warna kesukaan anda dan warna yang kontras dengan warna background blog anda
Cursor Bertabur Bintang Dengan Warna Biru

<script src="http://kikiefendiclock.googlecode.com/files/www.kikiyo.co.cc.cursor-bintang-biru.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Cursor Bertabur Bintang Dengan Warna Hijau
<script src="http://kikiefendiclock.googlecode.com/files/www.kikiyo.co.cc.cursor-bintang-hijau.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Cursor Bertabur Bintang Dengan Warna Merah
<script src="http://kikiefendiclock.googlecode.com/files/www.kikiyo.co.cc.cursor-bintang-merah.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Cursor Bertabur Bintang Dengan Warna Ungu
<script src="http://kikiefendiclock.googlecode.com/files/www.kikiyo.co.cc.cursor-bintang-ungu.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Cursor Bertabur Bintang Dengan Warna Silver
<script src="http://kikiefendiclock.googlecode.com/files/www.kikiyo.co.cc.cursor-bintang-silver.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Cursor Bertabur Bintang Dengan Warna Kuning
<script src="http://kikiefendiclock.googlecode.com/files/www.kikiyo.co.cc.cursor-bintang-kuning.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Cursor Bertabur Bintang Dengan Warna Hitam
<script src="http://kikiefendiclock.googlecode.com/files/www.kikiyo.co.cc.cursor-bintang-hitam.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Langkah - langkahnya :
1.Masuk Ke Akun Blogger Anda
2.Klik Tata letak atau Rancangan
3.Lalu Klik Tambah Gadget
4.Pilih HTML/JavaScript
5.Copy paste script kode diatas didalam HTML/JavaScript
6.Klik Simpan 
7.Kemudian Refresh Blog Anda

0 Gambar animasi bintang, bumi, planet, tata surya dan kaitan di dalamnya

Gambar animasi bintang, bumi, planet, tata surya dan kaitan di dalamnya

Gambar animasi bumi, gambar animasi bintang, gambar animasi bulan, gambar animasi saturnus, gambar animasi neptunus, gambar animasi komet, gambar animasi bintang berekor, gambar animasi bintang bergerak, gambar animasi planet, gambar animasi tata surya dan kaitan di dalamnya.

0 How to Make a Scroll Function In Archive Blog / Blog Archive Gadget

How to Make a Scroll Function In Archive Blog / Blog Archive Gadget

On the previous occasion, I've shared how to make a reply in the comments on blogspot. Now turn to the next tips, make scroll function on the blog archive.

What is the purpose? The goal is that, we make the blog archive in the form Hirarkie and posting settings per post, definitely will load the post title a lot, if we really did a lot mosting. As a result, our blog will look proportionate. Because the title is that the more down. If this is disturbing, the best way is to install a scroll function on the gadget.

How? Easy, just follow the steps below first:

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard

2. Click Design, click Edit HTML, Do not Forget to Check the Expand Widget

3. If my friend named Blog Archive under the name "Blog Archive It" (for example), then press CTRL + F, then search for the word "Archive Blog This"

4. If you have found the CSS code is as follows:

<b:widget id='BlogArchive2' locked='false' title='Arsip Blog Ini' type='BlogArchive'>
5. Well, just my friend Insert Code
<div style='overflow:auto; width:ancho; height:250px;'>
6. Thus forms the Scroll Function Code Blog Archive mate to be like this:
<b:widget id='BlogArchive2' locked='false' title='Arsip Blog Ini' type='BlogArchive'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<div style='overflow:auto; width:ancho; height:250px;'>
<div id='ArchiveList'>
<div expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;_ArchiveList&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:style == &quot;HIERARCHY&quot;'>
<b:include data='data' name='interval'/>
<b:if cond='data:style == &quot;FLAT&quot;'>
<b:include data='data' name='flat'/>
<b:if cond='data:style == &quot;MENU&quot;'>
<b:include data='data' name='menu'/>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

Note: Blue is the color code inserted earlier. Figures: height: 250px; '> is the height of the Scroll Blog Archive buddy.

Similarly Tricks to Make Scroll function, hopefully helpful and useful. Thank you.

0 Public Confidence Rises to Unswagati

 Public Confidence Rises to Unswagati

Entire academic Unswagati Cirebon especially the leadership, staff and faculty at this time should be proud. Because public confidence in the campus are more than half a century continued to increase.

The proof, ¬ survey done at admission selection Unswagati wave II, in July 2011 showed that of 1,997 respondents, 46 percent chose Unswagati on trust.

While 30 percent since Unswagati will switch status to State College (PTN), followed by 13 percent since Unswagati is the largest and oldest universities in Cirebon, 8 percent due to the distance between the houses near the campus, and 3 percent chose because tuition at Unswagati more skewed than the other universities in Cirebon.

Increased public confidence in Unswagati not be separated from the entire academic efforts in building confidence (trust) by improving the quality of graduates, the quality of education and service to students. "Therefore Unswagati will not ignore the public trust by improving the quality and continue to make improvements in all areas, including dap ¬ terha facilitate services backed student staff of high integrity and promote service to students "said the rector Unswagati, Dr. H. Djakaria Machmud, SE., SH., MSi.

diagram kepercayaan unswagati

0 Education Populist

                                                                    Education Populist

                                                            By Mohammad Abduhzen *
logo-diknasKi Dewantara Hajar, in addition to introducing the method among (ing ngarsa sung Tulada, ing intermediate Mangun intention, tut wuri handayani) in the learning process, strongly emphasizes education as a way to improve the lot of the people.
At the First Congress Park Students in Yogyakarta, October 20, 1923, Ki Hajar Dewantara convey two key ideas as part of the seven principles Student Park, namely education berasas on their own culture and education populist.
Education and teaching, according to Ki Hajar Dewantara, should tie to the people widely and may not separate the educated people of the livelihoods of actual. To that end, the national education should be conducted in harmony with the nature of the nation. Only in that way can be eliminated indigenous backwardness and peace in life can be realized together.
Ki Hajar Dewantara very disappointed watching the educational system and teaching methods that are run by the Government of the Dutch East Indies. In an article entitled "Koerangnja and Ketjewanja Onderwijs for Ra'jat We" Wasita magazine edition volume 1 No 5 February 1929, he criticized the government's implementation of education and teaching aspects of the unduly emphasize skills and intellectualism oriented Western interests.
Such education would erode spiritual values ​​(culture) and will not be able to raise the degree of indigenous peoples, even the sink as slaves of other nations. In fact, in view Dewantara-education-should be a civilizing efforts along the path to a new life more prosperous and independent.
Not the people
Now, after 80-something years passed, disappointment Ki Hajar Dewantara not disappear, even creeping inner nation. Education and teaching, although carried out by our own government, was not able to fix the nation's destiny and dignity.
In fact, the peace of life desired by the people due to the welfare and protection by the state is far from the truth. People died because of torture silly as migrant workers abroad. Motorcycle gang, robbery in broad daylight, rape in public transportation, border interference by neighboring countries is a fraction of the facts indicating that the power of the state to provide protection to the whole nation and all the blood spilled is still very weak.
Education and teaching us, as feared by Ki Hajar Dewantara, berasas not run on its own needs and is unable to free itself from its dependence on foreigners. Today, seven of the nine basic as well as many of our natural resources and controlled by imported from other nations.
Although the country is referred to as two-thirds of the agricultural area in the form of sea-and have a high school, the faculty / department / study program, to institute agricultural technology, agricultural significant progress. The economy of Indonesia is not bersaka teachers, both in agriculture and marine (aquatic). While 60 percent of the people still living from agriculture, 80 percent of whom are poor.
Marine, fisheries, and studies of both new attention during the reign of Abdurrahman Wahid. That was after the fish, sand, and lots of looted wealth of our waters.
Now classified as agricultural education fields saturated, less desirable because it is difficult to get a job. It is said that 8 out of 10 graduates of the famous agricultural institutes working in the field concerned. More concern, most farmers send their children to the highest level in order not to be a farmer like his parents. What would become of the future of this country if this situation continue?
We seem to education have also failed to establish an independent national culture and spirit forward. First, the spirit and mindset of most of the children of this country are still continuing force ancestors who lived in the all-sufficiency of nature. Properties like fast-paced, easy, and relaxing-even rule-breaking is still a national personality traits. Performance has not been and cultural values ​​held by most people. In the meantime, the challenge is constantly changing, even heavier.
Second, irrational behavior is still very dominant in our society. Mythical and mystical nature still dwells stronger and nourished through a variety of programs "sightings" television. Characterized by emotionalism amok and fury, especially after the reform, is increasingly becoming. Now, not only the students involved in brawl, police and army also attacked each other. People march, won what, and members of Parliament were fighting.
Third, the mind of the nation has not yet recovered from the bruised keterjajahan leaders so the appearance and behavior of our officials just meneers and colonial government official: oppressive and corrupt. On the other hand, inferior mentality we showed that acute syndrome, particularly the West, so often look artificial reinforcement efforts.
World class
Amid the turmoil of this nation, our education suddenly became delirious about "world class" is not clear intention: a world class university or (stub) international school.
The idea of ​​"world class", consciously or not, comes from instinct and mind-Social Darwinism see any developments in relation concurrency always have to win.
Vocabulary rivalry or competition later became the Ministry of Education and Culture's vision 2025. This commercial vision guides all our educational efforts to look out, refer to and use standards (as it seems) International, for example, the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Orientation think that makes the course of education not only ignores the values ​​and needs of our real or "not in harmony with the nature of the nation" according to the expression of Ki Hajar Dewantara, but also be discriminatory. If the first child law expert, pesirah, as well as nobles and wealthy families who can enjoy a good education, it was also the same.
Unconformity with the discriminatory nature of the nation and has made the figures, like Willem Alexander in South Tapanuli, Mohammad Syafei in West Sumatra, and Java Ki Hajar Dewantara struggling to teaching and learning take place in accordance with the values ​​and needs of the nation and people of widely available. They understand, if you do not get a good education by most people, this nation will continue destitute.
Education Long live Indonesia!
* Mohammad Abduhzen Executive Director of the Institute for Education Reform (IER), University of Paramadina; Chairman of R & D PB PGRI
Sources: edukasi.kompas.com
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