Zombie Hand - Working In Background
Neighborhood Of Moh. Haris

Sunday, December 2, 2012


  Introduction:Among the negative impact of the ease of communication between members of a global society in our country is emerging and developing dangerous diseases such as HIV / AIDS. For the first time detected in AIDS patients in the United States in 1981 and subsequently developed widespread disease in Africa and western countries such as Europe and Latin America to Indonesia (1987). And in 1996 known HIV / AIDS in Indonesia as many as 438 people.Studies of the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) stated that direct and indirect costs to death spent $ 14 billion.

HIV / AIDS and the problem 

 1. AIDS is a collection of symptoms caused by the HIV virus is contagious and deadly. The virus destroys the human immune system, reducing / loss of his endurance so easily contracted and died of infectious diseases, other cancers. And so far have not found a vaccine or drug to cure signatures.

2. According to calculations WHO (1992) no less than three people worldwide are infected with the AIDS virus every minute of it. What is frightening is the number of patients was 70% among the youth, the productive age.

3. High risk group of contracting the disease danger is homosexual, heterosexual promiscuity, drug addicts sharing needles and free sex as well as people who ignore moral values, ethics, and religion (especially teenagers / young people aged 13-25 years) .

4. Patterns and western lifestyle as a consequence of modernization, industrialization and progress of science and technology, have led to changes in the value of life that tends to ignore the moral values, ethics, and religion, including the values ​​of sexual relations between individuals.

5. Another issue that causes very high for the transmission of the AIDS virus is a teenager who left home / runaway becoming street children and prostitutes who sexually active and drug addicts freely and not awake hygiene / health.

Is That Mean AIDS?AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is a collection of symptoms caused by the virus HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).Unfortunately, when the HIV virus has entered the body, slowly destroy the immune system so it attacks other diseases, which are usually harmless, it can cause death.

Why Need to Know HIV / AIDS
DANGER MITIGATING HIV / AIDS ?· AIDS is a lethal disease.· There is no cure and vaccine signatures.· AIDS can affect everyone indiscriminately.· The long incubation period of 5 to 7 years.· Usually the person who had the HIV virus is not known to himself or anyone else, that he was suffering from the HIV virus, because she looked healthy and felt healthy.One of the views on HIV / AIDSMany people have heard of AIDS, but not all have the same knowledge and true about HIV / AIDS. This is seen from the view of one of the frequently encountered include:AIDS is considered a common sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and other infectious diseases.AIDS is considered easy to prevent, for example, simply by keeping the partner agencies, the herbal drink, or antibiotics before having seksuaAIDS was seen as a curse of God so that people living with HIV and AIDS are damned to be condemned.

AIDS is considered only attack large cities frequented by tourists from around the world.Disease symptoms of AIDS (ARC = AIDS Related Complex)To determine whether a person possessed by the HIV virus, he should check his blood with special test and consult a doctor. If he tested positive for AIDS, then there will be symptoms Degnan called ARC (AIDS Relative Complex) The symptoms commonly seen in people with AIDS are:Tired of prolongedOften fever (> 38 ° C)Shortness of breath and persistent coughWeight loss conspicuousBluish red patches on the skin / mouthDiarrhea more than a month for no apparent reasonWhite patches / sores in the mouth

Who is at High Risk Infected by HIV / AIDS? 


Those who have sex with people affected by HIV / AIDS without using condom safety.People who have sex with multiple partners at risk like prostitutes and homosexuals.People who received a blood transfusion contaminated virus.The use of syringes without sterilization alternatelyChildren born to mothers living with HIV.

People who, due to frequent contact with people with HIV / AIDS such as doctors, nurses, blood transfusions, midwives, and so forth, because they feared no injuries on his body. This will be the entrance of HIV / AIDS.· The family in which one member of his family traveled far and long as sailors, truck drivers and street vendors.The family relationship of husband / wife are not getting along or crack.The families who have teens before puberty baligh and adolescents who have dropped out of school the day-to-day behavior is not controlled.

How Process Transmission of HIV / AIDS? 

Body fluids that play a role in the transmission of AIDS is the blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and other body fluids contaminated by HIV, such as saliva. Mode of transmission of AIDS, especially through:Sexual intercourse, either with similar or different sexes living with HIV.

Exchange of syringes, acupuncture, tattooing, and razors contaminated with the HIV virus.Blood transfusions contaminated with HIV virus.Of pregnant women who had the HIV virus to her baby.Aid deliveries were contaminated with HIV virus.AIDS is not transmitted by:Shaking hands, coming into contact with the body, clothing, and goods of HIV / AIDSInsect bites or mosquitoKissing cheeksFood and drinkLiving at home with the patient, provided no sexual relations.Swim together in one poolPatients sneezing and coughing near usUsing the same toilet with HIV / AIDSOne office or school, etc..However, caution must be taken if any of our skin can be injured entrance HIV virus.

How to prevent transmission of HIV / AIDS?· Conducting disseminating HIV / AIDS information to friends, groups, and families to reduce the anxiety caused by false or misleading news.· Avoid or prevent the spread of HIV / AIDS on yourself, family, and group by among others:1. The strengthening of faith and piety in order not to fall into a sexual relationship before marriage and outside marriage, and multiple sexual partners.2. Avoid contaminated equipmentSterilized medical devices (disinfected) correctlySyringes do not turn and not using drugsShavers do not turnNeedle piercing, tattoo, salon equipment must be sterileBe careful when scrapings3. People with HIV / AIDS aware to not transmit the disease to others4. Avoid narcotic drug abuse, alcoholism and all forms of pornography can stimulate toward deviant sexual acts.5. If husbands and wives had been infected with the HIV virus, then use a condom correctly in sexual intercourse.6. Take security precautions against contamination of HIV / AIDS through syringes, blood transfusion, and open wounds.7. For women with the HIV virus is not recommended for pregnant.8. Avoid the use of a razor, nail clippers, or someone else's toothbrush.How We Attitudes Toward People with HIV virus and AIDS Patients?· Think positive and calm, and avoid behaviors that could transmit the HIV virus.· Treat AIDS patients humanely and wisely and do not be ostracized from society.· Encourage people to always see a health worker.· Lead to the religion in order to remain confident and sure repentance accepted the Lord and do good well kept until his death.· Lighten mental suffering of AIDS patients.· If the patient dies of AIDS, body care specially cultivated.

Prevention of HIV / AIDS According to Islamic Teachings

 1. Understanding the teachings of Islam to know that there are five components of life that made welfare standards in the teaching of Islamic jurisprudence, the soul, mind, mind, property, lineage / descent and religion / belief.2. Understanding the meaning of health, according to the conclusion that the General Assembly of 1983 MUI health is "a spiritual and social physical endurance possessed as a gift of God which must be grateful to practice his guidance and nurture and develop, and there are three types of health, namely physical health, mental health, and public health. In the context of physical health, the Prophet said: "Verily, your body has a right over you."3. Through the Islamic da'wah by doing good and avoiding unjust.4. Wary of the cunning of Satan and his behavior, where Allah says:Meaning:(Allah) said: "Come out from heaven as the humiliated again expelled. Surely whoever among them follow you, really I will fill Hell with you all. "(Al-A'raf: 18)5. Preventing through early education, both the environment and the family. Islamic religious education for children from pre-school to school.Treatment / Prevention HIV / AIDS1. Doing repentance to God, that although God hates people who do sin, but if the sinner repent, believe and do good pious, then his sins will be removed by God and will be replaced by kindness.2. Continue to perform worship to God, that in spite of the pain of HIV / AIDS should be invited to continue to try to practice prayer, for goodness contained in the prayer that would abolish evil / evil.

"If you call those who did not receive seruanmu (your invitation) was then know the real Al Quran was sent down to the science of [713] God, and that there is no god but He, then would you have surrendered (to Allah)?"(Letter Huud: 14)

3. Stay kind thought and not despair.4. Promise not to pass it on to someone else and no longer committing adultery which resulted in people infected with HIV / AIDS.5. Sholeh charity and increase the faith and devotion to God Almighty.

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DANGER MITIGATING HIV / AIDSThe position of Muslim-majority Indonesia, the location is very strategic as interstate traffic being confidential information of HIV / AIDS, which is a very dangerous disease that attacks a person's immune system so that the patient is not able to withstand the attack of a disease. Similarly, East Java, and especially the city of Malang that has become berhimpunannya student, students, as well as foreign and domestic tourists are very vulnerable to contracting HIV / AIDS, because of the difficulty of monitoring the spread of infectious someone harm it.

Countermeasures new diseases especially HIV / AIDS, should be attentive to the four dimensions, the dimension of the biological, psychological, sociological and spiritual. Therefore, moral education, religious ethics had to be inculcated early. Similarly, mitigation inculcated early. Similarly arrest gulangannya done curative and preventive efforts should be made proselytizing kaffah and accurate and intensive, especially about the sexual life of Islamic governance, clean living and surrender values ​​of the greatness of God and the meaning of taubatan nasuha.



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